Vocational  Rehabilitation

RTWSA counselling and rehabilitation services

Accredited RTWSA rehabilitation provider helping psychologically injured workers get the treatment, support and training needed to transition back to work.

Vocational  Rehabilitation BC Effective Therapies

Return to work with pre-injury employer

Restoration to the communit

Suitable employment assessments

Vocational Support Services:

  • Counselling support
  • Career planning and guidance
  • Assistance to manage stress and anxiety
  • Strategic goal planning
  • Resume and cover letters preparation
  • Confidence building strategies
Vocational  Rehabilitation BC Effective Therapies

Specialist RTWSA rehabilitation for psychological injuries and complex injury management

With over 27 years in vocational rehabilitation, I have helped countless people from all different backgrounds overcome psychological injuries and feel safe returning to work. As a specialist in Mental Health, I address both the psychological and emotional aspects of a workplace injury and can help identify organisational risk factors that may influence an individual’s capability to return to work successfully. My work focuses on helping injured workers rebuild their skills, confidence and establish work routines following extended absence from the workforce or an inability to return to their pre-injury employer.

Professional & Experienced

As an Allied Health Clinician (Medicare accredited mental health therapist), mediator and NDIS Mental health Therapist I have undergone rigorous training and professional development and always keep myself up to date with the latest industry trends and new research findings. When I am working with employees, we create a rehabilitation plan that draws from a selection of different treatment modalities to ensure they get the best strategies and most effective solutions to help them recover and feel confident in returning to work.

RTWSA Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Team

As a dedicated and experienced counsellor and mediator, effective communication is a crucial component of my practice. I work closely with RTWSA, Case Managers, General Practitioners, Psychiatrists and Psychologists to provide a cohesive multidisciplinary team to help and support the worker’s mental recovery. With extensive experience and industry knowledge, I can often help facilitate an early return to work and always work towards achieving practical solutions in a structured yet timely manner.

My rehabilitation services often include mediation and coaching to help facilitate both the injured worker and their employer to re-establish respectful, open and supportive communication. Where any potential barriers to returning to work are identified, I will work with both parties to help address these issues and put in place strategies to ensure that, where possible, an employee can fulfil their return to work goal and resume their pre-injury role at the earliest opportunity.

Approach & methodology

Irrespective of the scheme that I am working within, all my interventions and intentions are aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals who are experiencing psychological injury or mental health issues.

I use positive psychology and a motivational approach to case management, actively identifying and harnessing the individual’s strengths to aid and support recovery. My therapies are designed to help empower the individual and draw on a wide range of modalities including CBT techniques, and acceptance and commitment therapy. I work with the individual to uncover limiting beliefs and change ‘negative’ perceptions into a more ‘positive’ reality. By helping individuals focus on what they can achieve, we can gently move anxiety into hope, tension into ease and negative thoughts about the future can be reframed into positive workable solutions, and increased confidence about returning to work.

Suitable Employment Assessments

My accredited RTWSA services also include face to face interviews and assessment for suitable employment. These career counselling sessions may include psychometric testing along with the Occupational Search Inventory to help determine the individual’s vocational interests, aptitudes, preferences and abilities. At the end of the assessment, a report will be issued detailing the individual’s transferable skills along with potential employment options and any training requirements.

Fit for Work Services and Fitness upgrade pathways services

Fit for work services are undertaken on a referral basis, with referrals coming through the RTWS or a Mobile Case manager. These are usually requested when:

Return to the pre-injury employer is not possible

Medical evidence certifies the worker unfit for work or fit for less than the full pre-injury hours for a period in excess of 14 days

The purpose of this service is to assist the worker in preparing to return to work with a different employer. It aims to equip participants with the skills and experience needed to get them ready for job placements and upgrade their medical capacity to work. The worker will be given job goals and fitness upgrade pathways such as a trial placement along with help and advice on preparing a resume.

Vocational Counselling

When an employee cannot return to work with the pre-injury employer, I can help prepare the individual to transition into employment with a different employer or in a different vocation. Vocational counselling is undertaken by referral from the RTWS or Mobile Case Manager. Services include identification of suitable employment goals including pathways, timelines and relevant training required for the worker to achieve suitable alternative employment.

Restoration to the Community

Serious or complex workplace injuries may result in an employee being incapable of returning to work for the foreseeable future. My services include support with strategies to help accept and adapt to the changes in their circumstances , establish new routines and help reintegrate into the community with activities such as volunteer work.


Like to find out more about return to work services? Please call 0414 755 229